In Which I Bore You to Tears

As you people are no doubt are aware, potato society is hopelessly traditional. Nowhere is his more true than in the great spud state of Idaho, where all the license plates are adorned with the simple phrase “Famous Potatoes.” Case in point: an Idaho potato of marrying age was recently set down for a conference by her father. He told her that three young male potatoes had come a-courtin’, asking for her hand in marriage.

“One’s a russet,” he said, “the other’s a Yukon Gold, and the last is a fingerling.”

“But Daddy,” she replied, “I want to marry Ted Koppel!”

Her Father answered: “Ted Koppel?! He’s just a commontater!”

This horrible joke is meant to soothe the place in your soul that is so direly in need of soothing as a result of our lack of posts lately. Truth is, we’re TIRED. We’ve pedaled 2613.5 miles across this rugged country, and between that, setting up and taking down camp, eating copious amounts of ice cream, pie, peanut nut rolls, and breakfast sausage, we have little energy to tap away at an annoying and crash-prone virtual keyboard. I am not an iPad fan.

We also took almost zero photos during our nine days in Idaho. But we must have taken some. Hold on, I’ll look.


Oh yeah! These two ladies (the not Willow ones) work at Idaho Mountain Touring, a bike shop in Boise. Weirdly, they had no touring bikes there. These two were super excited to get Willow behind the counter so I could take a picture. It was weird.

Boise was kind of weird in general, filled with pale-skinned rich people eating organic food. We fit right in! Also, and I do not say this lightly, Boise has the best Indian food I’ve ever had. And I’ve had lots. Strange but true.

Perhaps our blog running dry has something to do with our environment as of late. Much of Idaho and eastern Oregon (where we are now) is high desert country. Here’s a boring photo of that:


This landscape lasted a long time, and was quite grueling. Then it gave way to the mountains of eastern Oregon, which were/are also quite grueling! Everything is grueling lately. We can figuratively smell the coast, and I find myself counting the days and miles, which is not like me.

And thats about the size of it. Oh, wait, there’s this–somehow I summoned the creative energy to compose this amazing photograph of the moon over an RV from the 80’s. I’ll leave you with it, and try to get back on the high horse so I can post something less boring in a few days.


With love,

Lovely Bunny

About lovelybunny

That's me riding very slowly on the shoulder of the highway. I reserve the right to scowl or smile as I pedal wildly in my granny gear.
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5 Responses to In Which I Bore You to Tears

  1. Pingback: A Good Bonk | Bike Go!

  2. Ryan says:

    Pearson’s Nut Roll, the most erotic of candies.

  3. Chris says:

    High horse or low rider, you are one helluva writer, Joe–and so are you, Willow. It’s such a treat to read these posts; you both sound just like yourselves, with terrific senses of humor and irony, which I know are important aspects of each of you. In addition, the descriptions and pictures are so delightful and relevant, in a non-postcard kind of way–this stuff should be published as is, in its entirety, and you should be engaged as chroniclers of the United States of America as seen through the alert eyes of two bike-riding adventurers embracing the zeitgeist and each other in such a fresh, connecting way.

    One of your favorite mothers,
    Chris (Hi, Patty!)

  4. Did you hit up the awesome Potato museum in Idaho ?

    I am not sure where y’all are riding towards right now- last we heard you were about 2-3 hours in front of us on route 26. We are cutting up north towards the Columbia River Gorge today from Dayville, so I am not sure if we will see you again, unfortunately!

    Do you use twitter?

    Anyways! Keep on pedaling!

    • lovelybunny says:

      We’re in dayville now!! We’re going to Mitchell tomorrow. Too bad we missed you…maybe we’ll catch up sometime. Our Twitter is @bike_go, but we hardly use it.

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